Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021

083 Be My Mannequin? - Savages Pose @ Dark Wednesday 30.06.2021

Sponsor Credits:

Pose: Savages
Unisex Bento Pose for two Avatars / Comes as Pose and Poseballs / includes revolver prop / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Be My Mannequin? [ Flickr / FB / MP ] @ Dark Wednesday 30.06.2021

Other Credits:


Head Skell { Catwa }
Jake 2.1 Bento { Belleza }
B90 { Dura }
Kroppi Tattoo { Endless Pain Tattoos }
Damned Clawa & Rings { L'Emporio }
Somnus Trench (Special Color - COVEN) { Somnium }
Duster Shorts { Fashionatic }


Head Dino { Catwa }
Jake 2.1 Bento { Belleza }
Sceleratis Ears { CerberusXing }
U110 { Dura }
The Claws { [Conviction] }
Ragnarok Ring { Badwolf }
Raven II Necklace { Badwolf }
Torc necklace - raven black { lassitude & ennui }
DS shirt(metallic parts SILVER { Breath }
Sam Reg Fit Ripped Jeans { Ascent }


Moody Sewer { Paparazzi }

Montag, 28. Juni 2021

082 Quadratus Demise and AERTH

Sponsor Credits:

Accessoire: Vitreus Crystals

Unrigged mesh accessoire / comes with Texture HUD (5 Textures) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Quadratus Demise @ Harajuku Event (20.06. - 10.07.2021)

Accessoire: Ash'ka Horns

Unrigged mesh accessoire / Availabe as 2 Packs with 16 colors (Plain and Fancy) or as Fatpack / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From AERTH [ Flickr / MP ]

Tattoo: Dehumanize Tattoo → Shown on Post 055
From AERTH [ Flickr / MP ]

Other Credits:


Head River { LeLUTKA }
Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
Azra Hair { Raven Bell }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }
Somnus Trench { Somnium }
Nathan.Jeans { Mossu }


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Legacy (f) { Legacy }
Lyra Hair { Yomi }
Tunic "Fae" { Antaya }
The Claws V.2 { [Conviction] }

Palace Backdrop { AMBICE }

Freitag, 25. Juni 2021

081 Endless Pain Tattoos and Dreamcatcher


Sponsor Credits:

Tattoo: Ariella Tattoo (Groupgift)

Comes as Tattoo Applier for Legacy, Omega also included BOM Tattoo Layer

From Endless Pain Tattoos [ MP / Flickr ] Group fee is 95 L$ to join.

Outfit: Like a Jellyfish (Gacha)

Available for Maitreya and Legacy Female / Shown: Bodysuit, Sleeves and Bun / NoCopy/NoMod/Trans

2 Rare: Body + Sleeves and Bun + Skirt with color HUD (12 Colors for each Part)
6 x Bun (Unrigged)
6 x Sleeves
6 x Body
6 x Skirt

From Dreamcatcher [ Instagram / FB / Flickr ]

Other Credits


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Nera V2 { Blaxium }
Azzurra { Kuni }
Essential Dirty Claws EDITED { CerberusXing }


Bodhi + Larsen Backdrops { Adorably Strange Wares }

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

080 Be My Mannequin @ Anti Event and Fantavatar & Moonstruck

Sponsor Credits:

Pose: To Live
Unisex Bento Pose for two Avatars / Comes as Pose and Poseballs / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Be My Mannequin? [ Flickr / FB / MP ] @ Anti Event from 16.06. to 10.07.2021

Deco: Wisteria Driad

Fantasy themed mesh deco tree / 5 Li / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck [ FB / MP / Flickr ]


Viking Tunic NjordPost 057
Viking Tunic TorvaldPost 076

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]


Viking War Face PaintPost 030

From Endless Pain Tattoos [ MP / Flickr ]

Other Credits:


Head Dino { Catwa }
Jake 2.1 Bento { Belleza }
Loki Eyes - Honey { Yoshi Eyes }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Rowan Hair { Sintiklia }


Head Daniel { Catwa }
Jake 2.1 Bento { Belleza }
Sol Eyes - Cerrulean { Yoshi Eyes }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M Ears (Long) { Aii }
Azren Hair { Raven Bell }
The Claws { [Conviction] }
Ragnarok Ring { Badwolf }
Celtic ~Face Tattoos~ [BOM] { ::Loa:: }
Cata Collar Silver { Cubic Cherry }

Enchanted Forest { Studio Skye }
Bushes 1.0 { Fundati }

Freitag, 18. Juni 2021

079 Six Feet Under @ Evolve Sales Event and Dreamcatcher

Sponsor Credits:

Accessoire: Celestial Headpiece

Wearable unrigged accessoire / Includes texture HUD (4 metals for spikes, small stars, stars, hanging gems, headband, forehead star and chains + 9 gems and show/hide function for headband) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under [ MP / FB / Flickr ]Mainstore for the Evolve Sales Event (16.06.-05.07.2021)

Accessoire: Devotion Choker

Unrigged Accessoire with resizer / Includes scripted (OC) and unscripted version / Comes with textur HUD for 4 metals / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under [ MP / FB / Flickr ]

Dress: Agatha Dress

Available for Maitreya, Legacy and Legacy Perky and Belleza Freya / comes with color/texture HUD (45 colors/textures for dress + 35 colors for only top / Copy only

From Dreamcatcher [ Instagram / FB / Flickr ]

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Nera 2 { Blaxium }
Celeste Hair { Raven Bell }
Essential Dirty Claws EDITED { CerberusXing }

Palace Backdrop { AMBICE }

Montag, 14. Juni 2021

078 Antaya and Dreamcatcher @ Mermaid Cove

Sponsor Credits:

Top: Coral bra
Available for Maitreya, Legacy and Legacy Perky / Mer/Fantasy themed mesh bra with pearls / Comes with color/texture HUD (6 colors for bra) / Copy Only!

From Antaya [ MP FB / Flickr ]Mermaid Cove (12.06.-03.07.2021)

Accessoire: Halo of fins
Wearable unrigged mer/fantasy themed accessoire / Unisex / Available in 4 color options or as Fatpack / Fatpack comes with Resize HUD and color/texture HUD (10 colors/textures for scales + 5 colors for bones) / Single colors including Mini HUD + resize HUD / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dreamcatcher [ Instagram / FB / Flickr ]Mermaid Cove (12.06.-03.07.2021)

Tattoo: Of the Ocean

→ Face and Body Tattoo / Comes with Maitreya, Legacy, Lelutka and Omega applier + BOM Tattoo Layers / available as 4 Packs (2 colors each)  or Fatpack includes 12 colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth [ MP / Flickr ] @ Mermaid Cove (12.06.-03.07.2021)

Other Credits:

Lilly 2.5 (LeLUTKA)
Mesh Body - Lara (Maitreya)
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Celeste Hair { Raven Bell }
Essential Dirty Claws - EDITED { CerberusXing }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Dragon) { Aii }
Armfins ( Set MErmaid Tail 1.2 ) { I Monster }
Realisic Gills ( Neck & Hips) { The Sirens Liar }
Nemissa { Cynefin } @ Equal ( 10.06.-05.07.2021 )

Backdrop (Deco):
The White Room [ Night ] { Synnergy }
Aquarium { BellePoses }
Crescent Set ( Sofa & Table ) { SynCo }
Montebello Bedroom - Moon Lamp { Your Dreams }

Samstag, 12. Juni 2021

077 FAS and AERTH @ Mermaid Cove

Sponsor Credits:

Accessoire: Trident
Wearable unrigged fantasy accessoire / Unisex onesize / Includes NoMod and Mod version / NoMod version reacts to included customizing HUD (4 color options for trident, fins and handle, trident and fins are with or w/o glow + glow +/- option) / Right hand hold animation / Materials enabled / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From FAS @ Mermaid Cove ( 12.06. to 03.07.2021 )

Tattoo: Of the Ocean

→ Face and Body Tattoo / Comes with Maitreya, Legacy, Lelutka and Omega applier + BOM Tattoo Layers / available as 4 Packs (2 colors each)  or Fatpack includes 12 colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From AERTH @ Mermaid Cove ( 12.06. to 03.07.2021 )

Decoration: Snake Plants (FAS) ==> Post 068
Decoration: Sea Plants
 (FAS) ==> Post 068

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
River 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Azren Hair { Raven Bell }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Dragon) { Aii }
MErmaid Tail 1.2 + Fins { I Monster }
Realisic Gills ( Neck, Hips & Rips) { The Sirens Liar }

Background (Deco):

Underwater Skybox { Wardrobe Malfunction }
Enchanted Jellyfish Set { 3rd Eye Perceptions }
Set of tropical fish { Lady's Garden }
Sanctuary { FantaSea }
Orca { JIAN }

Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

076 R3D Studio and Del-ka Aedilis

Sponsor Credits:

Outfit: Viking Tunic Torvald
Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Legacy Male in 14 color options (onepiece Tunic + leather Hud) or as fatpack / Includs Color HUD ( 2 collar, 4 pants, 3 first belt, 9 second belt and 14 tunic colors ) / Copy only!

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]  @  ORSY EVENT from 09.06. to 23.06.2021

Shoes: Boots Vargi
Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Legacy Male / Includes color Hud ( 2 base, 4 shoelace and 4 leather colors ) / Copy Only!

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]  @  ORSY EVENT from 09.06. to 23.06.2021

Building: Viking House Guthrum Summer
Medium sized viking themed mesh house with 2 areas / 43 prims + 2x Lantern 2 prims each (can light turn on/off) / footprint 11 x 13m / KOOL door ready / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis [ Flickr / MP ]

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
River 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
B106 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) { Aii }

Backdrop (Deco):
DP Ruinend Well { The Looking Glass }
Buch - Bare [Groupgift] { .Lunaria. }
Blue Iris Field [Grupgift] { .Lunaria. }
Enchantest Forest { Studio Skye }
Male Juvenile Snowy Owl ShoulderPet { CKit Falconry }

Montag, 7. Juni 2021

075 Six Feet Under and Antaya

Sponsor Credits:

Accessoire: Runic Bindi
Unrigged mesh accessoiere with resizer / comes with Texture HUD ( 7 Colors for 2 Faces ) includes Shadow Hide/Show function / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under [ MP / FB / Flickr ]

Accessoire: Unisex halo "Equilibrium"
Unrigged fantasy themed mesh halo with resizer / Includes animated and static version / Copy Only!

From Antaya [ MPFB / Flickr ]

Other Credits:

Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
River 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
U89 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Tyrael Tattoo { Endless Pain Tattoos }
Leather Top Hercul { TwoSided }

Backdrop (Deco):
Sins & Miracle { The Bearded Guy }

Freitag, 4. Juni 2021

074 Fantavatar & Moonstuck - Gipsy Zodiac Vardo

Sponsor Credits:

Building: Gipsy Zodiac Vardo
Fantasy/RP themed deco building / Complete Set 25 LI / Set includes Vardo, Tent and HUD for Vardo & Tent ( 5 textures ) / KOOL-Door Ready / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck [ FB / MP / Flickr ]

Other Credits:

Backdrop (Deco):
Campfire Cook Set { Mesh Craft }
Bushes 1.0 { Fundati }
Enchanted Forest { CELTIC MYST }
Male Juvenile Snowy Owl ShoulderPet { CKit Falconry }

Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2021

073 - Be My Mannequin? and TwoSided

Sponsor Credits:

Pose: Flesh Pose

Unisex Bento Pose for one Avatar / Comes as Pose and Poseball / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Be My Mannequin? [ Flickr / FB / MP ]

Top: Crop Top Q (Groupgift)
Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Legacy Male, Maitreya Flatchest, V-tech (Lara and Freya) / comes with color HUD (24 colors for 3 Faces) and 2 additional HUDs with 10 patterns each. / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From TwoSided [ MP / FB / Flickr ] - Group fee is 200 L$ to join.

Other Credits:

River Head { LeLUTKA }
Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
B106 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Shorts May ( Groupgift ) { TwoSided }

Background Deco:

Woody Smells Bed Light { WRONG }
Berlin Cabinet { BAZAR }
First Time Cement Sign (Groupgift - 99L$ to join) { Short Leash }
Devotion Wall Leash (Groupgift) { Short Leash }
BDSM Basics - Wax Play (Groupgift) { Short Leash }

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2021

072 Endless Pain Tattoos @ we ♥ Roleplay, Antaya and Six Feet Under


Sponsor Credits:

Tattoo: Rouge Tattoo

Comes as Tattoo Applier for Legacy, Omega also includes BOM Tattoo Layer

From Endless Pain Tattoos (MP / Flickr) soon @ We ♥ Roleplay from 04.06. to 30.06.2021

Accessoire: Hazard Bindi

Unrigged mesh accessoiere with resizer / comes with Texture HUD ( 8 Colors for 2 Faces ) includes Shadow Hide/Show function / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

Accessoire: Broken Android Arm

Available for Maitreya, Legacy and Signature / Includes texture/color HUD (6 metals, 4 wires, 4 mini wires and 6 neons) / right and left are separately wearable

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr)

Outfit: Gacha "Sintra"

Shown on Blogpost Nr.064

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr)

Other Credits:


River Head { LeLUTKA }
Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
U89 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Fantasy Crystal Earrings H [ Tinted ] { Aii }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }
Double belted pants { Gabriel }


Head Ryn { LeLutka }
Mesh Body - Lara V5.1 { Maitreya }
Moon Hair { EMO-tions }
Fantasy Bento BOM Ears (Pixie) + { Aii }
Ragnarok Ring { BadWolf }

Backdrop (Deco):
Neon Sanctuary Backdrop { The Bearded Guy }
Cybernetic Cell { Short Leash }