Sponsor Credits:
Tattoo: Ariella Tattoo (Groupgift)
→ Comes as Tattoo Applier for Legacy, Omega also included BOM Tattoo Layer
From Endless Pain Tattoos [ MP / Flickr ] - Group fee is 95 L$ to join.
Outfit: Like a Jellyfish (Gacha)
→ Available for Maitreya and Legacy Female / Shown: Bodysuit, Sleeves and Bun / NoCopy/NoMod/Trans
2 Rare: Body + Sleeves and Bun + Skirt with color HUD (12 Colors for each Part)
6 x Bun (Unrigged)
6 x Sleeves
6 x Body
6 x Skirt
From Dreamcatcher [ Instagram / FB / Flickr ]
Other Credits
Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Nera V2 { Blaxium }
Azzurra { Kuni }
Essential Dirty Claws EDITED { CerberusXing }
Bodhi + Larsen Backdrops { Adorably Strange Wares }
Tattoo: Ariella Tattoo (Groupgift)
→ Comes as Tattoo Applier for Legacy, Omega also included BOM Tattoo Layer
From Endless Pain Tattoos [ MP / Flickr ] - Group fee is 95 L$ to join.
Outfit: Like a Jellyfish (Gacha)
→ Available for Maitreya and Legacy Female / Shown: Bodysuit, Sleeves and Bun / NoCopy/NoMod/Trans
2 Rare: Body + Sleeves and Bun + Skirt with color HUD (12 Colors for each Part)
6 x Bun (Unrigged)
6 x Sleeves
6 x Body
6 x Skirt
From Dreamcatcher [ Instagram / FB / Flickr ]
Other Credits
Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Caerthe Eyes { Petrichor }
Nera V2 { Blaxium }
Azzurra { Kuni }
Essential Dirty Claws EDITED { CerberusXing }
Bodhi + Larsen Backdrops { Adorably Strange Wares }