Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

076 R3D Studio and Del-ka Aedilis

Sponsor Credits:

Outfit: Viking Tunic Torvald
Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Legacy Male in 14 color options (onepiece Tunic + leather Hud) or as fatpack / Includs Color HUD ( 2 collar, 4 pants, 3 first belt, 9 second belt and 14 tunic colors ) / Copy only!

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]  @  ORSY EVENT from 09.06. to 23.06.2021

Shoes: Boots Vargi
Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Legacy Male / Includes color Hud ( 2 base, 4 shoelace and 4 leather colors ) / Copy Only!

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]  @  ORSY EVENT from 09.06. to 23.06.2021

Building: Viking House Guthrum Summer
Medium sized viking themed mesh house with 2 areas / 43 prims + 2x Lantern 2 prims each (can light turn on/off) / footprint 11 x 13m / KOOL door ready / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis [ Flickr / MP ]

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
River 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
B106 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) { Aii }

Backdrop (Deco):
DP Ruinend Well { The Looking Glass }
Buch - Bare [Groupgift] { .Lunaria. }
Blue Iris Field [Grupgift] { .Lunaria. }
Enchantest Forest { Studio Skye }
Male Juvenile Snowy Owl ShoulderPet { CKit Falconry }