Sponsor Credits:
Accessoire: Moon Pentacle Bindi
→ Comes with Color HUD (7 colors - individually coloring for Ring / Moon / Star ) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Glasses: Outworld Shades
→ Unrigged Unisex Accessoire with resizer / Comes with Texture HUD (3 Metals and 2 Lenses) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Both from Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)
Other Credits:
HEAD Skell {Catwa}
Eros Piercing {BLAXIUM}
Withered Bezerker Ears {CerberusXing}
Jake 2.1 Bento {-Belleza-}
Passion Eyes (Gacha) {Lotus.}
Damned Claws & Rings {L'Emporio}
Magical Orb Necklace {.:Runic:.}
U 98 {DURA}
Calvin Jacket {Mossu}
Magic Fire FX1 {CREATIiA}
Backdrop: Grime Block Balcony {Paparazzi}