Sonntag, 7. November 2021

135 Bloodseeker @ We ♥ Roleplay and Six Feet Under

Sponsor Credits:

Top/Fur: Jolnir Fur

→ Rigged for Aestetic, Gianni and Legacy / Included color HUD for Fur (3 Colors) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From BloodSeeker [ MP / Flickr ] @ We ♥ Role-Play ( 04.11. - 30.11.2021 )

Accessoire: "Abaddon" Bindi

→ Unrigged goth themed accessoire / Comes with texture HUD (7 metals/colors) / Resize per click / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under [ MP / FB / Flickr ]

Pants: Viking Trousers Elof - Shown on Post 134

From R3D Studio [ MP / Flickr / FB ]

Other Credits:


River Head 3.1 { LeLUTKA }
Legacy (m) { Meshbody }
Loki Eyes - Emerald { Yoshi Eyes }
Rowan Hair { Sintiklia }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }

Background (Deco):

Fantasy Cave Scene { Fat Bird }