Freitag, 15. Oktober 2021

128 Endless Pain Tattoos @ Blood Thirsty Event and Be My Mannequin?

Sponsor Credits

Tattoo: I am the Monster

Comes as Legacy, Omega Applier and BOM for SL UV and EvoX / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From Endless Pain Tattoos [ MP / Flickr ] @ Blood Thirsty Event ( 15.10. - 05.11.2021 )

Pose: Desire

Unisex solo bento pose / Includes poses, poseballs and spotlights / Pose is included in three versions (w/o tails and wings, with tail and wings and wings only) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Be My Mannequin? [ Flickr / FB / MP ]

Diabolus Earrings → Shown on Post 099

From Six Feet Under [ MP / FB / Flickr ]

Other Credits


River Head 3.1 { LeLUTKA }
Jake V3 BOM/Bento { Belleza }
Neil Hair (Group Gift) { Vango }
Batty Tattoo LeL Ears { A.D.D.Andel! }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }
Leather Set Polkus Top { TwoSided }
Ron Pants { Meva }

Background (Deco):

Crucifix Corridor { CerberusXing }