Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

071 Fantavatar & Moonstuck and Medieval & Edo World

Sponsor Credits:

Furniture: Themed Market Stall ( Wizards & Witches )
Fantasy/RP themed deco building / Complete Set 14 LI / Set includes Market Stall Tent, Clodes Crate of Books, Crate of Books, Parchments Basket, Medieval Display Table 1+2, Wizards & Witches Staves and Restrained Flying Carpet / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr)

Deco: Alchemist Potions ( Gacha )

GACHA!!! / Mesh decoration / 3 RARE + 14 Uncommun + 6 Commons / NoCopy/Mod/Trans

From Medieval & Edo World ( MP / Flickr )

Clothes: Viking Tunic Njord + Runar Boots
Shown on Blog Nr. 057

From R3D Studio ( MP / Flickr / FB )

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
River 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
B106 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
The Bastard Cape Brown ( Ice & Fire Gacha ) { RIOT }

DEEP FOREST { Celtic Myst }
PORT KAR - The Dark Turret { -MB- }

Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021

070 Be My Mannequin? and Quadratus Demise

Sponsor Credits:

Pose: (I just) Died in your arms
Unisex Bento Pose for one Avatar / Comes as Pose and Poseball / Prop included (Iron Shackles) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Be My Mannequin? [ Flickr / FB / MP ]

Tattoo: Arisen Markings
Only BOM / included 12 seperatly layers for each bodypart to mix and match for your own style / comes as fresh and as healed version / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From Quadratus Demise [ Instagram / Flickr / FB ]

Other Credits:


Head Skyler 2.5 { LeLUTKA }
Jake 2.1 { Belleza }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Pixie Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
B102 { Dura }
Cargo Pants Leo { E.Storm }

Base XH4 { Paleto }

Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021

069 Del-Ka Aedilis - Tessa Cottage, Garden and Daily Basket

Sponsor Credits:

Building: The Medieval Series - Small Cottage Tessa
→ Small sized rustic mesh cottage with one room / KOOL-door ready / 9x16 Footprint / 15 Li / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis ( Flickr / MP )

Building: The Medieval Series - Kitchen Garden Rike
→ Medieval themed mesh garden / comes with mirror version / 10 Li / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis ( Flickr / MP )

Accessoire: Daily Errands Basket
→ Wearable unrigged medieval themed accessoire / deco version included (6 Li) / Comes hold pose / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis ( Flickr / MP )

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Fantasy Crystal Earrings G { Aii }
Milly Hair 002 (Gacha) { VCO }
Rosalie Dress Plum (Gacha) { Glyph }

Forest Backdrop { Celtic Myst }

Freitag, 21. Mai 2021

068 FAS Undersea Blog


Sponsor Credits:

Deco: Snake Plants SET
Includes Normals and Fantasy Version / Comes as cluster, solo and trio versions in small, medium and large / Colorchange per click (8 colors) / 5-14 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Deco: Trumpet Plants SET

Includes Normals and Fantasy Version / Comes as cluster, solo and trio versions in small, medium and large / Colorchange per click (9 colors) / 3-15 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Deco: Sea Plants SET

Includes Static and animesh Version in 9 Colors + 1 Tintable Animesh Version / Animesh versions are copy only statics are copy/mod / 2 and-15 LI / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Deco: Sea Sponges SET
Includes Normals and Fantasy Version (Bubble versions included) / Comes as cluster, 3 flute set and 8 flute set versions / Colorchange per click (9 colors) / 1-4 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Deco: Sunken Anchor
Underwater themed mesh deco / Materials enabled / 5 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
Dino { CATWA }
U110 { Dura }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Dragon) { Aii }
Fantasy Crystal Earrings G { Aii }
Webbed Hands { Aii }
Male mermaid scale { Antaya }
MErmaid Tail#1.2 { i monster }
Realisic Gills (Hips & Neck) { The Sirens Liar }

Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
Kane Head { LeLUTKA }
River Hair { Raven Bell }
The Claws V.2 { Conviction }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Dragon) { Aii }
Webbed Hands { Aii }
Male mermaid scale { Antaya }
MErmaid Tail#1.2 { i monster }
Realisic Gills (Hips & Rips) { The Sirens Liar }

Mesh Body Lara { Maitreya }
Catya Head { CATWA }
Irma Hair { Sintiklia }
Left & Right Bangs { Sintiklia }
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Dragon) { Aii }
Webbed Hands { Aii }
Mermaid scale { Antaya }
Siren Scales Top { Sweet Thing. }
MErmaid Tail#1.2 { i monster }
Realisic Gills (Hips & Rips) { The Sirens Liar }
Enchanted Shell Necklace { The Sirens Liar }

Underwater Skybox { Wardrobe Malfunction }

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021

067 TwoSided @ Glamazon Boutique Event and Fantavatar & Moonstuck

Sponsor Credits:

Top: Leather ripped top Ted (Set)

Available for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Legacy male, V-tech Lara and Freya, Lara flatchest sizes / Comes with Necklace all sizes + unrigged version / Color HUD for Top (10 colors) + Color HUD for Necklace (4 colors for 3 faces) / Tattoo Ted fresh and faded Omega applier and BOM.

From TwoSided (MP/FB/Flickr) @ Glamazon Event from 23.05. to 16.06.2021

Deco: Elven Willow Tree

Fantasy themed mesh deco tree / 27 Li / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr)

Other Credits:


Dino { CATWA }
Jake 2.0 { Belleza }
B106 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears (Thorn) { Aii }
Damned Claws & Rings { L'Emporio }
Around rope pants { Gild }


Head Ryn { LeLutka }
V-Tech Boi Chest Mod { Valentine Technologies }
Mesh Body - Lara V5.1 { Maitreya }
B102 { Dura }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears (DarkElf) { Aii }
Ragnarok Ring { BadWolf }
Caravan Pants { OYI }

Backdrop (Deco):
Deep Forest { Celtic Myst }
Coleogyne Bushes { Fundati }

Samstag, 15. Mai 2021

066 Six Feet Under @ Inithium Event and @ The Black Fair and Endless Pain Tattoos

Sponsor Credits:

Accessoire: Villain Claws

Available for Maitreya, Legacy, Slink and Kupra / Includes texture HUD (7 metals for main fingers, middle finger and finger) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr) soon @ Inithium Event (18.05.-08.06.2021)

Accessoire: Spellbound Nose Chain

Unrigged Accessoire with resizer / Comes with Texture HUD (4 metals for 4 faces) / Comes in right and left Version / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr) @ The Black Fair (08.05.-22.05.2021)

Tattoo: Hagonel Tattoo Female

Comes as Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink and Omega Applier also as BOM (Tattoo Layer)

From Endless Pain Tattoos (MP / Flickr)

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Sara Hair { Bonbon }
Eclipse NIGHTSHAMAN Set (Gacha) { deviousMind }

Cave of wonders { Synnergy }

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2021

065 TwoSided @ Itty Bitty Titty Komitee, Endless Pain Tattos and FAS

Sponsor Credits:

Dress: Karla

Available for for Maitreya Petite+Flatchest, V-tech (Maitreya/Freya), Legacy Perky and Belleza Jake / Comes with texture HUD (13 colors/textures for top and skirt + 2 metals for back hearts) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans 
From TwoSided (MP/FB/Flickr) @ The Itty Bitty Titty Committee (09.05-23.05.2021)

Tattoo: Valak Tattoo Male

Comes as Legacy / Omega Applier also as BOM Version (Fresh / Faded / Faded without Fingers)

Accessoires: Bat Wings (Bento)

Includes NoMod and Mod version / NoMod version reacts to included customizing HUD (8 colors + Glow option for each color) / Comes with Bento mini AO

From FAS (MP/Flickr)

Accessoire: Matsuri Oni Horns

5 different prefab versions / Editing skills are required! / Pack includes textures (17 color textures + 4 with cherry blossom patterns) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / Flickr) Shown on Post 036

Other Credits:

Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Lara Flatchest Addon { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Fantasy Crystal Earrings G { Aii }
Essential Dirty Claws - EDITED { CerberusXing }
Azra Hair { Raven Bell }
Campus Boots { AsteroidBox. }

Pact { Paleto }

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2021

064 AERTH, Antaya and Quadratus Demise @ Cyberpunk Fair and Dreamcatcher

Sponsor Credits:

Tattoo: Rockerboy Cybernetic
→ Face and upper body tattoo / Comes with material appliers for OMEGA, Lelutka, Maitreya and Legacy + BOM tattoo layers / Available as 3 colorpacks or as fatpack / Fatpack includes 5 extra colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / Flickr) @ Cyberpunk Fair (08.05.-30.05.2021)

Accessoire: Memoria Halo
→ Unrigged warable mesh accessoire / Includes big and small version / tintable per SL edit menu / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Quadratus Demise (Instagram / FB / Flickr) @ Cyberpunk Fair (08.05.-30.05.2021)

Shoes: Neon Boots "Nora"
Available for Maitreya and Legacy / Includes color HUD (5 colors for boots and shoe plattform and 10 colors for neon and neon fire) / Copy Only!

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr) @ Cyberpunk Fair (08.05.-30.05.2021)

Outfit: Gacha "Sintra"

Available for Maitreya and Legacy Female / Cyber legs/arms, bodysuit, cyber horns and rigged implants comes with texture HUD / NoCopy/NoMod/Trans

Ultrarare: Cyber arms and legs with color HUD (6 Colors for plastic, metal and neon)
Rare: Cyber bodysuit with color HUD (6 Colors for bodysuit and neon)
6 x Horns (Unrigged / each with color HUD for Neon in 6 Colors)
6 x Rigged implants (each with color HUD for Neon in 6 Colors)
6 x Glasses (Unrigged with resizer)

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr)

Accessoire: Cluster

Unrigged wearable accessoire / Includes animated, rotation and static version / comes with color/tint HUD / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dreamcatcher (Instagram / FB / Flickr)

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Thorn Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
U 89 { Dura }


Head Ryn { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Pixie Ears - Group Gift { Aii }
Azren Hair { Raven Bell }

Background (Deco):
Nuclear Lights { Bohemia }
Orb X Metal - 9 (Gacha) { Val'More }
Fragmented Critical Orb - 12 (Gacha) { Val'More }

Samstag, 8. Mai 2021

063 Antaya @ Enchantment and AERTH


Sponsor Credits:

Dress: Tunic and flowers "Mimi"

Available for Maitreya, Legacy and Legacy Perky / tunic, flowers1 and flowers2 are seperatly / comes as 4 ombre colors or as fatpack with color/texture HUD (8 colors for 3 Faces ( Tunic/Flower1/Flower2 )

From Antaya ( MP Flickr ) @ Enchantment ( 08.05. - 31.05.2021 )

Eyeshadow: Eyeshadows with mesh flowers

Comes as BOM tattoo layers for Lelutka and Genus only! ( 6 colors for liner + 6 colors for leaves ) / Includes unrigged meshflowers ( upper, lower or as set of both ) / 12 colors/textures for flowers ( can be changed by click ) / You can change every flower individual

From Dreamcatcher ( Instagram / FB / Flickr )

Accessoires: Stellaris Staff

Unrigged wearable accessoire / Includes three differnt holding styles / Available as 3 color packs (silver/gold/black) or as Fatpack / Editing skills are required! / Includes normal textures + speculars textures / Fatpack includes 5 extra colors and 3 poses for photos / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From [AERTH] ( Flickr / MP )

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Elysian Eyes { Avi Glam }
Sadie Hair { Bonbon }
Fairy Dream #7 (Gacha) { Moon Rabbit }

Fairy Forest { Celtic Myst }

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2021

062 Dreamcatcher @ Ota.con and Six Feet Under

Sponsor Credits:

Dress: Anna Dress

Available for Maitreya, Legacy and Kupra in 5 Colors or as Fatpack / Fatpack comes with color/texture HUD (21 colors/textures for dress + 9 colors for pearls 1, pearls 2, metals and base) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dreamcatcher (Instagram / FB / Flickr) @ Ota-Con (01.05-31.05.2021)

Shoes: Malice Platform Heels

Available only for Maitreya / Comes with textur HUD (3 textures for metal)

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

Other Credits:


Head Lilly { LeLUTKA }
Mesh Body - Lara { Maitreya }
Ardor Eyes { Avi Glam }
Disordered Hair 4 (Gacha) { *PH* }
Short Leather Gloves { Izzie's }
Red Scarf { Chabada }

Background (Deco):
Tomp Backdrop { Joplino }
Male juveline Snowy Owl (Shoulderpet) { CKit Falconry }

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021

061 Fantavatar & Moonstuck and Medieval & Edo World

Sponsor Credits:

Furniture: Medieval Modular Library
Includes 3 modules and one alone bookshelf (make it as big as you need) + Ladder / with and without books / Li 1-2 / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr)

Deco: The Book of Ages
Mesh decoration / 2 LI / With two extra faces on cover and spine to add your own Logos / Comes with Textrue HUD (10 colors/textures for book and cloth, 5 metals for ornaments and key and 10 colors/textures for bookmark 1+2) / cloth and bookmarks include tintable white option / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Medieval & Edo World (MP / Flickr) @ Forest of Calduhr

Other Credits:


Jake 2.0 {Belleza}
Dino {CATWA}
U110 {Dura}
Damned Claws & Rings {L'Emporio}
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) {Aii}
Fantasy Crystal Earrings G {Aii}
Dazai Coat {Valentine} @ Ota-Con (01.05-31.05.2021)
Dazai Pants {Valentine} @ Ota-Con (01.05-31.05.2021)
Dazai Top {Valentine} @ Ota-Con (01.05-31.05.2021)

Background (Deco):
Sombre Skybox {VARONIS}
Varonis Small Table Set {EVHAH}
Eldritch Rune Rug {3rd Eye Perceptions}

Montag, 3. Mai 2021

060 R3D Viking Signy Dress and Antaya Fur Stole "Hilda"

Sponsor Credits:

Dress: Viking Dress Signy
Available for Maitreya, Legacy (Classic/Perky), Slink HG and Belleza (Venus/Isis) in 8 Color options or as fatpack / Fatpack includs mix and match color HUD (3 belt and pouch colors, 6 collar colors and 8 colors for overall and apron / Copy only!

Maintore release from R3D Studio (MP / Flickr / FB)

Accessoire: Fur stole "Hilda"

Rigged to fit Maitreya/Legacy / wearable Accessoire / Comes with textur HUD (8 fur textures)

From Antaya ( MP Flickr )

Other Credits:


Head Lilly {LeLUTKA}
Mesh Body - Lara {Maitreya}
Ardor Eyes {Avi Glam}
Fantasy Bento b.o.m Ears (Thorn) - Groupgift {Aii}
Milly 002 (Gacha) {VCO}
Essential Dirty Claws - EDITED {CerberusXing}
Unisex viking head band - Groupgift {Antaya}

Backdrop (Deco):

Fluffy Grass {Lunaria}
Season Changing Shrub {Lunaria}
Pine forest seasonal {3D Trees}
VikingHouse {Flo Market Design}